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Senior Health and Fitness Day

Senior Health & Fitness Day

Our elders are the backbone of our communities. We learn culture and values, oral history and traditional practices through them and their experiences. This week, let’s honor our elders by celebrating National Senior Health and Fitness Day with them! We can all learn something to pass onto the generations that follow.

Whether you’re an elder or have one you love, know that regular physical activity is one of the best ways to preserve health. Regular movement can help restore flexibility, improve heart health and help elders keep up with grandchildren (and great-grandchildren!).

The list of reasons seniors can benefit from staying active are endless. Some ideas include:

  • reducing fall risk and increasing the ability to live independently
  • maintaining strength, healthy joints and muscles
  • helping reduce or control blood pressure
  • helping reduce the risk of colon cancer and diabetes
  • ease symptoms of anxiety
  • offer community and companionship when done in groups

There are a multitude of exercises that benefit elders. Most can be completed at home or at a community center. And, a lot can be modified to fit any limitations. Consider starting with walking, dancing, swimming, yoga or even some yard work! Raking or pushing a lawnmower is an effective way to benefit both your health and home. More specific exercises can be found at and
Experts say older adults should engage in moderate activity each week. When starting out on your lifestyle journey, keep in mind that just some physical activity is better than none at all. 
Get inspired this week as we provide additional information on health resources, benefits and certain exercises that can be done to benefit your body! 

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