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Minimizing Stress During the Holidays: Tip 2

Minimizing Stress During the Holidays: 5 Ways to Cope This Year

Pandemics are stressful. This stress can ruin the upcoming holiday season and leave you feeling empty. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off the negativity just in time to spread cheer this coming month and the ones following.

There are multiple reasons why someone may already find this time of year difficult. In a normal year, the holiday season presents all kinds of demands like shopping, baking, cooking, cleaning and entertaining. It can be hard to manage everyone’s expectations, especially during these hard times set by COVID-19.

Even amid this moment, it is possible to minimize the stress that accompanies holiday celebrations with a few tips and tricks. Healthily coping will help you, the people you care about and your whole community stronger.

Let’s talk about it.

Be prepared

Shopping early will help ease your mind and keep you safe. This will help avoid bigger crowds who left their own shopping to the last minute. However, you may not want to go shopping in person at all the months leading up to the holidays. Even with all the precautions stores are trying to implement to keep shoppers safe, it may be best to order everything online from the comfort of your own home.

Check with your favorite stores to see what online shopping options they may have if you are looking to avoid in-person shopping altogether. Remember to plan ahead by ordering gifts in advance, too. With COVID-19 impacting some shipping times, make your purchases with enough wiggle-room to accommodate any potential late arrivals.

We know you procrastinate when it comes to wrapping presents. This year, give yourself a few extra weeks to avoid getting out the paper and bows.

For more information on dealing with stress, please visit

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